Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome Spring

So, yeah it's been a while since my last post.  Thought I'd catch up on a few things.  Spring seems to have finally ushered itself in (hopefully).  We have had the normal spring storms already which are usually accompanied by a night of no sleep to go with it.  The flowers are beginning to poke out their heads.  I can't keep my bird feeders filled and am awakened every morning to chirps louder than my alarm clock.  I also have developed my annual "flower fever" where I want to bring home every vibrant colored bloom I see at the local stores.  Isaac has started baseball and he is LOVING it!! So glad he is finally getting involved and breaking out of his comfort zone.  Our local minor league team will also kick off its season tonight.  There is just something magical about sitting in the stands watching baseball and munching on a reallyexpensive yummy hotdog or hamburger.

John finally started crawling.  He uses knees and elbows mostly but goes where he feels the need. He also got his first tooth yesterday and coincidentally Kody also lost one the same day.  I did also notice that John is sharing in my love of shoes, although I don't quite like the taste as well as what he seems to!  So, we can't leave shoes lying around anymore or he will find them and commence to teething on their soles hahaha :)

I also have many DIY projects in the works some of which I will share, providing they turn out in the end the way I hoped. 

I also love when God's word has a way of repeating itself so as just to show that it is the Truth.  Just little tid bits here and there that are there for confirmation.

Also check John out!!  He is on a post today over at Domestic But Not Martha.

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!!
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