Friday, July 5, 2013


Generally when things are on my mind I have to get them out or they keep bugging me and I can't move on so this is me getting one of those things out. Today I read something on one of those marriage pages that got me thinking and I really didn't stop thinking about it the whole day. Often times you hear the saying that people are either looking for or have found someone that "completes them" meaning this in the form of a significant other. This couldn't be more of a line of garbage if I ever heard one. Oh, I am guilty of saying it too I'm sure but true, it's just garbage. The only relationship that can complete me is my relationship with Christ. All others will fail considerably. Now, on the other hand, my relationship with my husband can be perfectly complementary. That statement I rather like. So many marriages fail these days and I just can't help but think it's because of expectations that we ourselves place on our relationships that just aren't realistic. If we go into a relationship thinking we can find someone that actually completes us we are just setting that relationship up for failure from the beginning. It's based on unrealistic expectation. I can't think of the person that said it but we have expectation and reality and everything in between is just disappointment. Our relationship with Christ is designed to complete us and give us everything we need out of a relationship. He said himself "My Grace is sufficient". We have our relationship with our spouse as a compliment to that not as a replacement. The question that got me to thinking about all this was something along the lines of we should constantly be in the giving mode for our spouse and be doing for them and not worrying about ourselves. But it's all about perspective and if your heart is completely seeking Him, He will supply all your needs and you won't be left wanting and those selfish me,me, me, attitudes won't be there wondering well what about my feelings and this and that. I have lost my train of thought and where I was really going with that but anyway. There is a really good book called Fierce Women by Kimberly Wagner. I highly recommend this book. I do challenge you as I was challenged if you read it, give it away when you are done. It's life changing and will alter your marriage and the way you see yourself as a wife. It's great biblical perspective on how we as wives are to support our husbands and how we can unknowingly be harming them as well. 

So with all that I hope you have The One who completes you as well as the one who complements you!!
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