Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The beginning...

So, this is the beginning of my blog.  I have been considering it for some time now and finally decided to take the plunge.  I really don't have enough housework and things to do at home ( taking care of 3 boys) to keep me busy enough <insert sarcasm>.  I love God with all my heart and feel the call to reach out and help those in need.  I have beautiful, healthy children and thank God for them multiple times a day. I believe everything happens for a reason and that God did not ask us to understand those reasons but that He gives us the peace, comfort, Holy Spirit, and friends to cope with the situations that He presents to us. 

So, my blog journey begins!!


  1. Welcome to bloggy world! ;-)
    oh and yea for me being your first comment ever!!!

  2. Welcome! I just started blogging as well. I can't wait!! God Bless you!


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