Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Painting that Preaches

I bought a garage sale desk a few weeks ago.  You can see it here at the bottom of this post.  I fell in love the moment I saw the desk.  I had been looking for this exact thing for quite sometime and never really found that "it" piece.  To my surprise, it was only $5.  I have been slowly working on restoring it to something worthy of sitting at the top of the stairs.  With 3 children, time has been scarce for opportunity for me working on it.  This week I began painting on her.  As I was painting, I would like to think it was me thinking, but rather it was really God speaking to me. To most people this desk was ugly and worth nothing, hence the reason itpwas probably outside at a garage sale for five dollars.  The paint was applied with what looked like the toss the bucket at the object and see what paint sticks method.  There was one leg broken and it was dirty to put it mildly.  I even found some used and unused lancets in the drawer upon starting the cleaning process.  Anyway, the point I am getting to, is that when God sees us, I am sure its much like this table.  We are ugly with sin and probably to others may seem worth nothing. But God sees us with the eyes I saw this desk with.  To Him we are beautiful and He sees us for what He knows we can be, not what the outside world perceives us to be. He takes us and "sands", "strips", and "restores" us to our original beauty that He created us to be in the first place.

I love when God reiterates points with repetitive things in various forms.  The question "who am I " as kept popping up in lots of different ways.  I was watching Extreme Make Over, Weight Loss Edition and that was a question the trainer kept repeating over and over to this man.  I then read a new post here that was exactly the same thing. Read the Digging Deeper section and you will see what I am talking about.  Today, our Bible Study lesson was on Ephesians 1.  You should go read that for yourself.  It too deals with the Who Am I question.  The answer, we are all God's children that even though He knew what would ultimately happen in that humans would sin, He willingly created the world, sent His Son as our sacrifice, and done all this with pleasure!! This is awesome stuff.

So anyway, I've been contemplating this post for a couple days and finally got around to doing it!! Plus the Bible study thing really sealed it in for me today as well.

Living He loved me!
Dying He saved me!
Buried He carried my sins far away!
Rising He justified!
Freely forever!
One day He’s coming!
Oh glorious day!

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