Monday, December 6, 2010

Is love a myth

In today's society I believe it would probably be easy for some to believe that love does not exist.  That it is some mythical made up emotion that is something people tell stories about.  I believe in true love and I see it every day.  Love is not only an emotion, it is a verb, an action word.  If you love someone you not only tell them but you show them as well.  I believe in keeping marital promises and think the for better or for worse is often forgotten and changed into well, I love you but.....

The Bible says this "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.  It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Cornithians 13:4

For me LOVE IS

  • A heavenly Father who gave his only son's life for me/you only because He loves me/you.
  • Seeing my children sleeping and knowing that they return my love for them
  • getting up every 2 or 3 hours for two nights to hand me my crying/hungry baby that I cannot get because of the surgery I just had.
  • changing the blue absorbant pad under my rear end during labor because I may or may not have peed on myself.
  • standing at the back of a crowded auditorium with my crying baby so I can watch my two older children sing in their Christmas program.
  • letting me learn to trust myself and others even if it meant by way of jumping and free falling from a tree always caught me
  • coming home to me every night instead of sneaking around with other women.
  • Looking at me wearing sweat pants, an old tshirt and baby puke as if I were wearing the most beautiful ball gown fit for a princess
  • making breakfast for me on Sunday mornings.
  • Watching girly television shows with me just to be able to spend time together.
  • Singing our kids to sleep or saying their night time prayers with them before bed.
  • fixing broken toys and at the same time fixing the hearts that were broken along with that toy.
  • giving up exciting nights with your friends to spend boring ones with me.
  • Picking me flowers from a ditch.
  • Bringing home Starbucks.
  • And right now for me LOVE is sitting in the chair asleep wrapped up in a blanket with our baby tucked neatly in the crook of his arm asleep as well.
So many arguments can be made against love but I however do not believe that love is somewhere out there dancing around with unicorns and leprechauns or even the Easter Bunny.  Love is right here residing in my house on a daily basis amidst all the chaos that is life.  It doesn't care that sometimes the house gets messy or the laundry piles up.  Love comes every morning and maybe even passes the tooth fairy along the way!


  1. Awww- your were writing my life :-) So glad you seem to have what I have. It's rare nowadays.
    Love the new layout btw.

  2. Its beginning to look like a "real blog" lol. It is very rare and I cling to it daily :)

  3. not my blog but my love for my husband


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